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We have grown as a trading company specializing in electronics devices for more than 70 years since our
establishment alongside with the development of the electronics industry in general.
As we look ahead into the near future, we will play our role as a dynamic company with a sense of mission to
support 21st century.
In this context, we have consolidated our business structure on a following three-pillared D-M-S platform.
D: Electronics devices, mainly on semiconductors
M: Electronic materials
S: Solution
Alongside with the recent drastic changes, such as globalization of each industry segments, we have been
strengthen our own organizations by adopting new technologies and information on vast electronics field.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge with profound gratitude and appreciation of the support we have received and look forward to having continued patronage of all our customers and partners.
FUJITA Tetsuro
Chairman and Representative Director
Kenden Corporation